about us

Grease Trappers, LLC has been providing professional grease trap cleaning service using essential plumbing fixtures to intercept grease, oil, and food scraps before they enter your main sewer line.

Our mission is to clean every grease trap within our vicinity and promote a sanitary environment for food preparation, which is crucial for any commercial kitchen.

Our vision is to set people free from the worries of clogged drains and unpleasant odors, making sure every individual gets a hygienic environment for them to cook with confidence.

Fast forward to today, and we're proud to be a trusted partner for restaurants, cafes, hotels, and any business that relies on a properly functioning grease trap. Our mission is simple: to provide exceptional grease trap cleaning services that are thorough, reliable, and environmentally responsible.

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. We're not just here for a one-time cleaning; we're here to be a valuable resource for all your grease trap needs.

It all started with a shared frustration, while witnessing the stress and the hassle restaurant owners faced dealing with clogged or malfunctioning grease traps.  We saw the late nights spent frantically trying to unclog a mess, the fear of failing inspections, and the disruption it caused to commercial kitchen businesses. We knew there had to be a better way of doing this, so we rolled up our sleeves to take the worry off the plate.


Keeping Spaces Safe and Hygienic from
the toughest Grease Trap

A Commitment to Sustainability

At Grease Trappers, LLC, we’re committed to doing our part for the environment. We take responsible disposal of collected grease very seriously. We partner with licensed waste haulers who ensure the grease is recycled or processed in an eco-friendly manner. We also use eco-conscious cleaning products whenever possible, minimizing our impact on the environment.